For My Premier Sisters and Daughters -
I just thought I'd put some
tips together on my blog! Maybe they'll help you, maybe not!! But any way, if
any one of you have tips to share - please forward them on to the rest of us... Let's help
each other SUCCEED!!
*I showed my husband all
of the new Spring jewelry I got in yesterday and he had a new way of wearing the
"It's A Wrap" bracelet - around your neck! I thought it was
*Pairing some of the new spring pieces with
old (the big catalog):
THAT JAZZ with TWICE AS NICE enhancer.
Spring's FLIPSIDE looks pretty snazzy on NEW STYLE necklace. I added SUMMER FUN earrings with CONTEMPORARY bracelet.
IT'S A WRAP bracelet as a necklace paired with URBAN CHIC.
I took IT'S A WRAP bracelet and intertwined it with URBAN CHIC. |
No new pieces on this one. There's a lot going on here but I like GOLDEN GIRL with LEILANI necklace and Secret Garden necklace. I also added TROPHY as an extra layer. |
These aren't any new pieces - but wanted to recognize Shaylynn's cool idea of putting CUTTING EDGE and Golden Girl together! |
SO - I thought I'd put some ideas on here for bookings.
*BEG & GIVE GUILT TRIPS! LOL - kidding... kinda... when your getting to the end of your show - announce to everyone that the hostess needs 3, 2 more or 1 more booking so that she can get her extra $25 booking bonus.
*As your taking orders, after each order is received, add that to your hostess' total and tally up what her total of free jewelry is and YELL ACROSS THE ROOM "HOSTESS, YOU'RE UP TO X AMOUNT OF DOLLARS IN FREE JEWELRY!!!" As the amount increases every time you take an order, yell it out again, AFTER EACH ORDER YOU GET! The guests will be like "seriously?? You're/She's getting that much in free jewelry??" And you can say, "YEP, you can too!"
*Whatever reason/issue they have for not booking - SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM. You can say, "well, have you ever thought about ______?" That way it doesn't look like you're being pushy.
*One thing I love to say to the guests when talking about booking a party is "You know, I've never had a hostess say at the end of her show 'Well that was the stupidest thing I've ever done!'".
*If you do the Pass or Play game, say that you have "GIFT CARDS" in them. Some times that helps.
*Try to ask each person "Did you have fun today?" followed by "Do you think there's anything I could improve on?" It shows you're interested in their feedback...THEN ask them "Would you be interested in getting some free jewelry as well?".
*Do a referral incentive and make a referral "postcard" to hand out or send in an email. Tell those folks that are adamant about not having a show that you'll give them $25 gift card in FREE jewelry or 1 FREE ITEM valued up to $50 (so you're still only giving $25) for EACH referral they send you. They'll get the gift card or free item AFTER the closing of the referred hostess' show.
That's all I got for now... time to go practice what I preach!
Peace out Sisters!