The new Fall/Winter catalog. "H" items are the ones I currently have to show.
Host a girls day/night out for FREE jewelry. It doesn't have to be at your house! Places to be a "hostess": Starbucks or favorite coffee shop, restaurant, sports grill, park, neighborhood clubhouse, recreation center, ANY WHERE!
What do you get for being a hostess?
30% of your show's retail in free jewelry; $50 for keeping your scheduled show date AND getting $100 in outside orders (EASY) and $50 for 3 future bookings from your show; and 4-8 half price items!
Don't want to be a hostess but still want free jewelry?
Pass a catalog around and receive 20% in free jewelry and 1 half price item!
Christmas is around the corner! What do you need? Jewelry to complete a Christmas party/New Years party outfit or maybe some Christmas presents??
Contact me to schedule your free jewelry!
What. Are. You. Waiting. For? 972-898-5279

Need to find a Canadian Distributor